Goats for Solar Energy #Goat4kWh

Goats for Solar Energy

We exchange goats for solar energy! #Goat4kWh

Smart Farming Saving money, time and energy

Smart Farming

Smart Farming is an enabling enviroment innovation tool that reduces farmers energy cost and generates multiple incomes to improve the agri-food chain.

Solar Electric Vehicles Saving money, energy and time

Electric Vehicles

We use solar electric vehicles to transport farm harvest.

PAYGO Pay-as-you-Go

Affordable, Clean, Energy Access

Providing rent-to-own solar home systems

Wind Grid Decentralizing renewable energy solutions

Electrifying Rural Communities

Wind Power as an alternative to solar PV is growing fast and cheaper. We will be the first company in Somalia to manufacture wind rotor blades. Launching 5kw Wind Power projects soon.

Biogas Alternative clean cooking


Our waste-to-energy green technology is the solution for Somalias 13k/yr indoor pollution deaths (99% women), deforestation, gender-based violence and access to clean cooking, benefiting rural economies and tackling environmental challenges such as waste management.