Lack of Energy Access

  • 10000000

    Without Electricity

  • 17000

    Annual Deaths from Lack of Water/Sanitation

  • 90

    Percent of Schools with no Electricity

  • 12000

    Annual Deaths from Indoor Pollution

Our Impact

Greentech Jobs
Greentech Jobs

Power OffGrid trained more than 200 youth and achieved job placement for more than 40 unemployed youth to participate in the Greentech economy.

Greentech Jobs
Equity Financing

Power OffGrid has partnered and works with more than 300 cooperative farmers and provided equity financing & hybrid energy solutions to 10 farmers in the Hirshabelle region to shift them from vulnerable to self-reliant.

Greentech Jobs
Gender Inclusive

Power OffGrid invested and trained more than 20 female youth and 10 enterprises owned by women and advocates gender inclusion in renewable energy sector jobs to close the gender wealth gap & improve gender equality.

Greentech Jobs

Power OffGrid solar-powered healthcare services for more than 2000 households, saved 1000s of women and children’s lives by reducing preventable maternal deaths due to lack of energy access in Somalia last-mile.

Our Data

  • 40kWh/capita/yearSomalia Electric Use

  • 574kWh/capita/yearAfrica

  • 700Kwh/capita/yearPower OffGrid Customers

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